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OCR: frmBugQuery Properties D ... + X + 7 udmFormlnit Sub udmFormInito ' Notify that arrays have been initialized gBugQueryInited = 1 ' Set array objects used to display conditions gCondFields (0, 0) = frmBugQuery. txtCondParml gCondFields (0,1) = frmBugQuery. txtCondOP1 gCondFields (0,2) = frmBugQuery. txtCondVall gCondFields ( 1,0) = frmBugQuery. txtCondParm2 gCondFields (1,1) = frmBugQuery. txtCondOP2 gCondFields (1,2) = frmBugQuery. txtCondVal2 gCondFields (2,0) = frmBugQuery. txtCondParm3 gCondFields (2,1) frmBugQuery. txtCondOP3 gCondFields (2,2) = frmBugQuery. txtCondVa13 ' Set array containing possible Parameter selections gProperties (0) = "Product Name" gProperties ( 1) = "Product Version" gProperties (2) = "Found By" gProperties (3) = "Entered By" gProperties (4) = "Entry Date" gProperties (5) = "Severity Level" gProperties (6) S "Description" gNumProperties = 7